Upward performance review by Google
Learn from Google's upward review - see how they rate their managers.

About the Google upward performance review template
This survey is based on a publicly shared google survey. The survey provides upward feedback about manager performance. At Google the survey results are anonymous to avoid any impact on the employees after answering the survey. The smallest team that is recommended to do the survey is three direct reports. Some companies may prefer to include an outline of their expectations of managers after the survey to avoid employees being targeted based on survey feedback.
How does this review help HR managers and HR leaders?
An upward performance review can be an extremely valuable tool for HR teams. It gives direct insight into the leadership culture within the organisation. This survey also provides insight into the work of high performance managers. HR teams will be able to the information gathered from upward performance reviews to identify training and development needs within your organisation. HR business partners will be able to use the information to help managers use feedback from their employees to identify how they can lift their performance.
When to use this review
This review is usually done twice a year on a confidential basis.
The review experience
The review will take about ten minutes to complete. It is based on agree/disagree style scale and two open answer questions.
Sample questions from this review template
- The actions of my manager shows they value the perspective I bring to the team, even if it is different from their own
- My manager shows consideration for me as a person
- My manager has had a meaningful career discussion with me about career development in the last 6 months
- My manager communicates clear goals for our team
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