Marcus Buckingham
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Marcus Buckingham is a renowned author, researcher and speaker who has made significant contributions to the field of performance management. He has written numerous books and conducted extensive research on the subject of employee engagement and performance. Buckingham is worth following because his insights and strategies can help businesses and organisations improve their performance management systems, increase employee engagement, and boost productivity.
One of Buckingham's most notable contributions to performance management is his approach to employee engagement. Unlike traditional performance management systems that focus on fixing weaknesses, Buckingham's approach is to focus on an employee's strengths. He believes that when employees use their strengths, they are more engaged, productive and happier at work. Buckingham's research has found that employees who use their strengths daily are more likely to be engaged and perform better than those who do not.
Another key aspect of Buckingham's approach to performance management is the concept of feedback. He believes that feedback should be delivered frequently and in real-time to be effective. Buckingham's research has shown that annual performance reviews are ineffective because they are too infrequent and do not allow for real-time adjustments. Instead, Buckingham recommends that managers provide regular feedback to employees, focusing on their strengths and giving specific examples of how their strengths contribute to the organisation's success.
Buckingham has also developed several tools and assessments to help organisations implement his approach to performance management. One such tool is the StrengthsFinder assessment, which helps individuals identify their strengths and how to use them to achieve their goals. The assessment is used by many organisations worldwide, including Fortune 500 companies, to help employees improve their performance and increase engagement.
In addition to his work on employee engagement and feedback, Buckingham has also made significant contributions to the field of leadership. He has conducted extensive research on what makes a great leader and has identified several key traits that successful leaders possess. According to Buckingham, great leaders focus on their strengths, delegate tasks, and create a culture of feedback and recognition. He believes that leaders who focus on their strengths are more effective because they are better able to delegate tasks and build a team of people who complement their strengths.
Buckingham's approach to performance management has gained widespread recognition and is used by many organisations worldwide. His ideas have been embraced by leaders and managers who are looking to improve their organisations' performance and increase employee engagement. Buckingham's books, including "Now, Discover Your Strengths," and "The One Thing You Need to Know," have been bestsellers and have helped millions of people improve their performance at work.
We follow Marcus Buckingham because of his significant contributions to the field of performance management. His approach to employee engagement, feedback, and leadership has helped many organisations improve their performance, increase productivity, and boost employee engagement. Buckingham's emphasis on focusing on employees' strengths and providing frequent, real-time feedback is a refreshing departure from traditional performance management systems. His work has made a significant impact on the way organisations approach performance management, and his ideas are worth considering for any organisation looking to improve its performance.
With his active instagram channel you can find great content here too! If you like podcasts you can tune in here to a special Marcus Buckingham series with HBR